Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file containing letters and numbers, stored on the browser or on the hard drive of a user's computer, smartphone, or tablet, if they accept it.

Cookies are used within websites and applications: files temporarily or permanently stored on the user's computer, tablet, or smartphone to recognize them during subsequent visits. Learn more about cookies, how they work, and how to oppose them

There are several types of cookies:

What cookies are used on the CancerConsult Platform?

For more information on the cookies used, and why they are used, please refer to the table below:

Cookies that are subject to your prior consent

None. In particular, CancerConsult does not use any tracking cookies.

Cookies that are exempt from your consent

These cookies allow the CancerConsult Platform to function optimally. You can oppose and delete them using your browser settings, however, your user experience may be degraded.

Cookie Name Purpose of the Cookie Retention Period
_cancerconsult_key Session cookie Duration of the browser session (until it is closed in general)
_cancer_consult_web_user_remember_me It allows identifying the logged-in user for 60 days if they chose the "Remember me" option at login 60 days
project_locale Locale used for the interface language Maximum 1 year

How to disable cookies from your browser?

You can configure your browser so that cookies are stored on your terminal or rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer.

Depending on the type of browser installed on your terminal, the choice of cookie management and their configuration can be done as follows:

You can also visit the page: Learn more about cookies, how they work, and how to oppose them

Changes to the data protection policy

The data protection policy is subject to change. In case of changes to the elements mentioned in the privacy policy, the policy will be modified and you will be informed, prior to the implementation of the changes that could impact your personal data.

The data controller or any other person responsible for this communication will then strive to indicate what impacts these changes will have.

CancerConsult is committed to publishing the changes on its Platform, and to clearly and visibly indicating the update date and the identification of the latest version of this document.

Publication date: 20/09/2024

This document has been validated prior to its dissemination by the Data Protection Officer. It is reviewed at least once a year, or when substantial changes to the processing of personal data are made.