Patient testimonials for lung cancer

Discover several testimonials from patients with lung cancer. They share with us the discovery of their illness and their care journey.

Jean-François, 75

A retired farmer, he tells us about his battle against lung cancer, which he discovered just before the pandemic.

Nadia, 50

She shares with us her journey with lung cancer from discovery to treatment. Discover her testimony and advice in this battle against cancer.

Pascal, 62

Discovery of Pascal's lung cancer

Following a visit to his general practitioner for a lump in his neck and several examinations at the emergency room, Pascal discovers he has lung cancer.

After this violent but effective "shock," Pascal goes to the hospital emergency room the next day.

After a lung X-ray where nothing is visible, he undergoes a CT scan and then a PET scan with a biopsy. The verdict is in: it's lung cancer. Chemotherapy sessions are quickly initiated. He suddenly feels very tired, his feet are numb, multiple digestive discomforts occur, and his morale plummets. After 3 months of difficult treatment, no positive results are observed. The medical team decides to start radiotherapy sessions. Almost a year later, the results are still not there... Pascal is experiencing therapeutic failure.

The decision to participate in a clinical trial.

His determination to find solutions is shared with his general practitioner. It is at this point that the oncologist suggests to Pascal to join a clinical trial, to implement immunotherapy treatment. In the day hospital, Pascal begins this new treatment with a first intravenous injection.

Three days later, Pascal attends his best friend's birthday party. He is happy to see his friends again. However, he participates in this celebration as a cancer patient for whom treatments have not left much hope. He tries to be friendly, but finds it hard to be festive.

Then an event occurs that makes him express to his wife the desire to leave this birthday party early, claiming he is tired. He felt something dripping down his neck and wanted to go home to check what was happening.

Indeed, three days after his first injection, the lump the size of an orange in his neck began to ooze onto his skin. He rushes to the emergency room and dressings are immediately applied. At that precise moment, Pascal understood that his treatment was active and would lead him to recovery.

Gradually, he resumes his passion for sports and plays table tennis matches again, starting slowly at first, then even participating in a 24-hour match. Pascal no longer feels tired, feels fit, continues his treatment for another year. And now, for 26 months, Pascal has been in complete remission. Of course, he is still followed by his oncologist whom he considers his superhero.

Florence, 40

Discovery of Florence's lung cancer

Florence lives in Nîmes. She feels particularly tired, complains of stomach pains, and shortness of breath. After examination, the doctor diagnoses her with pericarditis, and she is immediately treated at the hospital.

Further examinations are carried out to determine the origin of this pericarditis, and lung cancer is diagnosed. Her life changes in 5 seconds...

Difficult announcement to her family.

The hardest part for her was announcing her illness to her children. Yet, they were the ones who helped Florence resist and fight. They were 14 and 18 years old at the time and gave her a lot of strength and energy.

She started her chemotherapy at the Nîmes Cancer Institute where she experienced several side effects related to chemotherapy, including nausea and, above all, intense fatigue.

Another blow when she learns she has another tumor.

Finally, after eight months, she learns she has a new tumor in her brain. She undergoes surgery, follows radiotherapy sessions, and then resumes her chemotherapy... Florence is brave but does not fully understand what is happening to her...

Especially when she learns a few months after this first operation that a new tumor is appearing in her brain. This time, this small tumor is immediately managed with "Gamma Knife" radiotherapy.

Loss of confidence

But Florence feels lost. She no longer trusts her doctor, and communication is difficult. She feels like she doesn't know her disease at all. Until now, she had refused to research on the internet... But she starts, reads, watches interviews with doctors, tries to understand her disease.

An interview with a pneumo-oncologist from the Timone Hospital in Marseille on immunotherapy treatments makes her want to get a second opinion on her illness and especially on her treatment.

She gets an appointment with this new pneumo-oncologist and has her file transferred. He receives her for a consultation and explains that she indeed has lung cancer and that it is metastatic.

She is perfectly explained her disease, communicates, asks questions... After understanding what was happening, she accepts to enter a clinical trial.

A real life change

She receives a protocol of immunotherapy treatment, and her life changes.

Less fatigue, more energy, she resumes sports. Florence does fitness, bodybuilding, hiking, and rollerblading. Activities she resumes with great joy.

She finds herself again and resumes her social life. Now, for two and a half years, she goes to Marseille every three weeks to follow her treatment. But, apart from these interruptions, Florence no longer feels sick. She will never thank her new oncologist enough.

Les associations

Article updated on 15 oct. 2024

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