Clinical trials

Innovation in patient care

What is clinical trial ?

A clinical trial is a study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a new treatment, new therapeutic strategies, or new methods of care in humans.

Clinical trials are conducted to improve patient care at all stages of the disease.

Clinical trials in France

France participates in 1 out of 5 clinical trials worldwide in oncology :

  • 46% of clinical trials in France are conducted in oncology
  • 2nd in Europe after Spain in oncology
  • 57 644 patients included in oncology clinical trials in 2021

The 4 phases of clinical trial :

Phase I trial

Also known as an early clinical trial, it involves evaluating the safety of administering a new drug, its behavior in the body, and any potential side effects.

This phase helps determine the correct dosage of the drug in terms of its efficacy and safety for the patient.

The study typically involves 15 to 50 people.

Phase II trial

It helps to determine whether the new treatment improves patients' quality of life and/or extends their life expectancy.

The first step involves defining the minimum effective dose that causes the fewest possible side effects. The second step is to assess the therapeutic benefits.

The study typically involves groups of 25 to 100 patients.

Phase III trial

It allows for comparing the studied drug with existing ones. One group will receive the new treatment while the second group will receive the standard treatment for the patient's condition.

Based on the results from these three phases, health authorities will decide whether to grant a marketing authorization (MA).

The study involves thousands of patients in France and around the world simultaneously.

Phase IV trial

The study is launched after a positive phase III trial and once marketing authorization has been granted. Its purpose is to identify any potential long-term side effects.

Join a Clinical Trial

With AccessTrial, you can find ongoing clinical trials currently recruiting near your home.

Feel free to discuss it with your doctor.

Access AccessTrial

Article updated on Jan 27, 2025

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