What is screening for bladder cancer ?

Currently, there is no general screening method for bladder cancer in the population. Therefore, it is important for the public to be informed about the main abnormal manifestations (symptoms) caused by bladder cancer so that anyone experiencing these symptoms consults their doctor.

Additionally, for individuals exposed or who have been exposed to agents that may cause bladder cancer (carcinogens), urine cytology tests every six months will be recommended by the doctor.

Expert perspective

Urinary cytology is a test that analyzes the normal or cancerous appearance of cells that naturally shed from the bladder and are present in the urine. This test is performed on a urine sample, which must be collected under specific conditions. These conditions will be provided when the patient schedules an appointment at a medical laboratory. Notably, the first morning urine should not be collected, and the test is generally conducted on three samples collected over three days.

The test can also be performed on bladder wash fluid obtained during a cystoscopy . A cystoscopy involves inserting a thin, flexible optical system into the bladder through the urethra after local anesthesia. This system allows for the observation of the inside of the bladder and the collection of bladder wash fluid. Cystoscopy is done in a consultation setting and does not require hospitalization.

Article updated on Jan 20, 2025

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